MC FAQ 2023

We are a community-driven organisation and as we grow our community, we rely on volunteers like you to help us. We are very passionate about what we do and we hope you are too.

Please note if you are unable to make your volunteer shift let us know immediately. 

Contact for the day: Jessica Willis (Event Director)

Please download Slack on your phone so Jess can contact you when you are in the conference room. You are also welcome to add Jess on WhatsApp if that is easier for communication.

Event Date: Saturday 14th October, 2023
Event Time: 7.30AM – 5.30PM (sessions run from 9am-5pm)
Venue: CodeNode, 10 South Pl, London EC2M 7EB
Venue Contact Number: +44 (0) 207 183 9040

Important information for the day

– Please go to registration on the main floor to collect your badge at 8:00AM. We will also have a briefing and questions at at this time (we can cover anything on this list that is unclear at this point).
– The dress code is smart casual. There will be a T-Shirt to wear ready at the venue for you.
– Your ticket has a QR code. Please have this scanned for entry into the building. Once you have checked in, please grab your badge from the registration desk and wear this for the duration of the event.
– You will be in charge of your allocated room for the entire day.
– In each conference room, there will be a podium for the speaker and a lapel/handheld mic ready.

– Could you please assist with seating attendees near the front of the room and filling any empty seats.
– In each conference room, there will be MC introduction sheets and count-down signs for 10, 5, 2 minutes and Stop. These are for you to hold up to countdown the speakers to stop on time, keeping them on schedule.
– If you need any help, please ask one of the volunteers in a TBI shirt to help you at any time.
– When recording inside the rooms, please be mindful of the cameras and avoid standing in front of them. This will ensure that the footage is clear and unobstructed.
-As the video team walk around outside the rooms, it would be wonderful if you could smile, wave, and interact with the cameras to create a lively and welcoming environment.

What to cover on the day

Before the session starts:

– Find the speaker – they will come to your room.
– If you are missing a speaker, please let Jess know, she will call them.
– Check that they are happy with what you are about to announce for them.
– Take the speaker to the AV team who will give them a mic.

 Once the session begins:

– Welcome everyone using the handheld mic on the podium.
– Introduce yourself.
– Introduce your speaker – name, and title.
– Read out the bio or part of the bio. (You will receive this the week before the event and it will also be printed in the room for you).
– Ask the audience to welcome them on stage.
– While the talk is happening, the next speaker should arrive to start the process again.
– You can check with Jess if they have collected their badge and are in the building.
– Keep track of time and show the speaker the 10, 5, 2 minutes and Stop signs at the end of the session. Each talk session is 40 mins long with 5 mins for a handover to the next speaker.
– If they take questions, you can use the handheld mic to pass to the audience for the questions so that everyone can hear. 

At the end of the session:

– Thank the speaker at the end and take off the speaker’s lapel mic.
– Move to the next speaker or break as needed.
– Announce the lunch or any breaks as listed.

Key times

7.30am – Set up
8-9am – Registration
9-10.30am – Speaker sessions
10.30-11am – Coffee break
11-12.30pm – Speaker sessions
12.30-1.15pm – Lunch for attendees and MC’s
1.15-2.45pm – Speaker sessions
2.45-3.15pm – Coffee break
3.15-4.45pm – Speaker sessions
4-5.30pm – Breaking down