Environmental Policy

Love the Festival. Love the planet.

It’s the little things that make the biggest difference, so we are committed to making small and big changes to lessen our toll on this planet. We continue to work as hard as we can on the practical things: eco swag, attendees using public transport, biodegradable cutlery, to promoting ideas and great new initiatives. We also leave space for speakers who are working on sustainability projects to speak at our events. TBI is committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

Here’s how you, our incredible attendees can help us to protect our environment and the future of TBI!

  • Please use our recycling bins. Help us by placing your waste into the correct recycling bins.
  • We have a lanyard/badge drop off at the exit of the event. We recycle our lanyards and badges to be used again after each event. Please drop them off at the exit to have a second life!
  • Please use your phone to show us your QR code ticket. We do not need a printed version.
  • Please only use what you need. Take 1 napkin not 4, even this small step saves on waste!
  • Please use public transport, cycle or car-share. Our Festival venue is a 2 min walk from Moorgate Station. Join the 90% of Festival-goers that travel by public transport and help to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Please bring a reusable water bottle. These can be filled for free at all of our events. There is water located in every talk room where you can refill.
  • Please use water responsibly. Turn off taps and help us use water efficiently.
  • Please dispose of cigarette butts responsibly. Think of the birds!
  • Save energy at home. While you’re at one of our events, unplug your telly and other non-essential appliances and switch off unnecessary lights. Please also consider using LED light bulbs and switching to an energy supplier that commits to clean, renewable energy sources.


Love the Festival. Love the planet.